The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France (Henry V) (1944)

1944 · Movie · 137 min. · United Kingdom

In the inspired Olivier concept, Shakespeare's play begins as a performance in the Globe Theatre, shifting in broad cinematic terms to an epic narrative of Henry V, who had developed from a dissolute youth to a purposeful monarch. Proving his ability as a soldier and skillful leader, he unites the dissident factions in the English army and goes on to crush the French, against enormous odds, at Agincourt. Arranging a treaty with the French court, he woos Princess Katharine to whom he is formally betrothed as part of the peace agreement.

Direction Laurence Olivier

Cast Laurence Olivier · Robert Newton · Leslie Banks · Felix Aylmer · Renée Asherson · Leo Genn

Soundtrack William Walton

Screenplay Laurence Olivier · Dallas Bower · Alan Dent · William Shakespeare

Cinematography Robert Krasker

Original title The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France (Henry V)

Where to watch The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France (Henry V) (1944)?

If you are wondering where to watch The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France (Henry V) (1944), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fifth with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France (Henry V) (1944) online on Prime Video and Max. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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