The Graveyard
2006 · Movie · 83 min. · United States

Synopsis of The Graveyard
The friends Jack, Allie, Sarah, Charlie, Michelle and Eric go to the Placid Pines Cemetery to play hide and seek in the tombs. Meanwhile their friend Bobby dresses like a masked killer to play a prank with Eric. However, the scared Eric runs trying to escape and stumbles, dying impaled over sharp bars. Bobby takes the blame alone for the deadly accident and spends five year in prison. When he goes to his parole hearing, Michelle testifies and he gets his probation. Michelle drives with Bobby to a camp nearby the graveyard where the tragedy happened to reunite their friends and resolve their issues. They are welcomed by the gentle grounds-keeper and cook Peter Bishop. Along the next hours, Jack's girlfriend Veronica is killed by a mysterious masked killer; then Sarah's former girlfriend Zoey is also murdered. When the group realizes what is happening, they find that they are trapped in the spot.
Direction Michael Feifer
Cast Christopher Stewart · Sam Bologna · Trish Coren · Eva Derrek · Brett Donowho · James Gallinger · Lindsay Anne Hugghins · Patrick Scott Lewis · Leif Lillehaugen · Markus Potter · Erin Lokitz · Mark Salling · Natalie Denise Sperl
Screenplay Michael Hurst
Cinematography Hank Baumert Jr.
Original title The Graveyard
Not rated (FilmAffinity)
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