Come and Get It (1936)

1936 · Movie · 99 min. · United States

Wisconsin lumberman Barney Glasgow (Edward Arnold) makes his fortune by marrying his business associate's daughter to cinch a lucrative partnership, thereby sacrificing the one he truly loves, Lotta Morgan (Frances Farmer). Lotta marries Barney's close pal Swan Bostrom (Walter Brennan) and they beget Lotta Bostrom (also Frances Farmer) who bears a striking resemblance to her mother. Years later, when the elder Lotta is no longer with us, Barney and his son (Joel McCrea) both fall for the young Lotta, causing Barney to work out his troubling sense of loss. This rousing loggers melodrama was the one and only true showcase for the talents of Frances Farmer, who is superb in the dual role of the mother and daughter Lottas (and for a fledgling actor, that's a lotta Lottas), and who would later be made more famous by the biopics based on her life. Co-directed by Howard Hawks (who discovered Farmer, and was ousted from the film when he was rude to producer Samuel Goldwyn) and William Wyler.

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In the United States, you can watch Come and Get It (1936) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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