Being Human (TV Series) (2008)

2008 · Series · 60 min. · United Kingdom

TV Series (2008-2013). Mitchell and George are two twenty-something lads who, like any of their peers, would love to hit the town, pull girls and spend evenings down the pub. Mitchell is a hospital cleaner, good looking, laid back and a hit with the ladies. And he’s a blood sucking vampire. Mitchell’s friend George works in the same hospital as a porter. He’s an awkward but loveable geek who was befriended by Mitchell two years ago. George was heartbroken after he had to move away from the love of his life; he had to leave before she discovered that at every full moon, he sprouts a snout, grows a very hairy back and transforms into a werewolf. Having had enough of sleeping in hostels and temporary accommodation, Mitchell and George decide to get a flat together where they can indulge in their love of beer, pizza and watching TV. They just want to have a go at being normal; being human. Annie is their uninvited lodger. When the guys move into their new creepy abode they are not expecting to share it with a ghost with a confidence crisis. Annie used to live in the flat with her boyfriend but following a fatal accident, and now suffering from a distinct lack of self-esteem, she can’t move on. So, she spends her time wandering around the house, making cups of tea she can’t drink and scaring away anyone who dares try to move into her home. But when George and Mitchell move in Annie’s surprised to find two new friends who are as unusual and weird as she is.

Where to watch Being Human (TV Series) (2008)?

If you are wondering where to watch Being Human (TV Series) (2008), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Being Human (TV Series) (2008) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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