Cinco vidas y un destino (1957)
1957 · Movie · 85 min. · Mexico

Synopsis of Cinco vidas y un destino (1957)
Five fellons are running from justice in search of freedom. During their escape, they run into María Flores who joins them on their journey. They will do what it takes to cross the border and escape a search party that is on their persuit. The hero, Marcos Navarro, who is part of the five fellons is actually innocent. He was framed by his former employer with charges of murder and theft because he was having an affair with the landlord's daughter. He escapes his captors and joins other men as they attempt to cross borders. Running thorugh the mountains is their only choice as they have a warrant for their inmediate arrest.
Direction José Baviera
Cast Columba Domínguez · Joaquín Cordero · José Baviera · Enrique Zambrano · Jorge Rado · Miguel Monterrosa · Mirna Orozco · Octávio Arias · José Luis Rojas · Edmundo Barbero · José Antonio Lemus
Screenplay Antonio Orellana
Cinematography Domingo Carrillo
Original title Cinco vidas y un destino
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Is Cinco vidas y un destino on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?
Many users search for whether Cinco vidas y un destino (1957) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.
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