No tengo nada que decir (Je n´ai rien a dire)

No tengo nada que decir (Je n´ai rien a dire)
Non rated
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A painter in search of the legendary Jean-Luc Godard travels to Rolle, Switzerland, where he lives, to present him with a work of art. Their meeting was the same day and month that JLG decided to die, but two years earlier. However, fate had a surprise in store for him: Godard was reborn as a child in Buenos Aires. Now, the painter embarks on a journey through the filmmaker's thoughts, remembering his last Socialist Film, and the letter he dedicated to the director of the Cannes Film Festival, Thierry Frémaux, as he tries to meet one last time with the genius reborn in that city. This documentary is a tribute to the life and work of Godard, one of the most influential filmmakers of the 20th century. Through this encounter, we explore not only the creativity and vision of this master of cinema, but also his impact on critical thinking towards the culture of the image.

DirectorArturo Prins
Original titleNo tengo nada que decir (Je n´ai rien a dire)