Ardia (S)

2006·Spain·13 min.
Ardia (S)
Non rated
Available on
None platform

Who are we? Is it really us, or we are something that somebody has decided us to be? And who has decided on our behalf? "Ardia" (which in Basque stands for sheep) is a silent, black and white short film aiming to reflect on some contradictions inherent to Western societies. The absence of dialogs is a symbol representing all those silent victims of the structural violence. Our main motivation for making this film is the need we feel to express our concern for the increasingly uniforming forces that are destroying the richness of human diversity and, on the other hand, the strong individualism that is degrading human relationships. This film is dedicated to all those that suffer in silence for being different, to all those that are destroyed for being loyal to their own conscience, to all those for whom our way of live is incomprehensible and strange.