Everlasting Moments

2008·Denmark·130 min.
Everlasting Moments
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Set in the early XXth century, the Ulm is based on the real life story of the grandmother of Jan Troell's wife. Maria is swept away by the loutish rake Sigfrid, and marries him at a young age. Sigfrid can't keep a job, but possesses a unique gift for stumbling home roaring drunk at the worst possible moment. Eventually, his rage and frustration manifest themselves on the domestic front. Confronted with a bleak future, Maria strikes up a friendship with Mr. Petersson, the proprietor of the local photography shop. She begins taking her own photographs. For her, it's a near magical window to a world she knows little about, and a welcome respite from her tumultuous home. 2008: Seminci - Festival of Valladolid: Best Actress (Maria Heiskanen), Best Cinematographer.