The Accountant of Auschwitz

2018·Canada·78 min.
The Accountant of Auschwitz
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In an era of rollercoaster news cycles, it can be challenging to tease out all the layers of meaning from tragedies, especially historic ones. And in an age of “fake news,” are we to trust the memories of those who bear witness? These, and other pertinent questions around justice, are at the core of this examination into the trial of Oskar Gröning (known as “The Accountant of Auschwitz”), which began when he was 94 years old. Gröning’s trial is only the jumping-off point, however, for an evocative examination of the impact that testifying has on the aging witnesses to his crimes. The trial is also an introduction to Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz, now 99 years old and still nipping at the heels of evil. Ultimately, only the viewer can decide: Should there be a statute of limitations on genocide?

ScreenwriterRicki Gurwitz
CinematographyLuke McCutcheon
Original titleThe Accountant of Auschwitz