Poor Man's Orange (TV Miniseries)

1987·Australia·190 min.
Poor Man's Orange (TV Miniseries)
Non rated
Available on
None platform

It is the early '50s and the Darcy family continues their struggle to build a better life despite the forces lined up against them in this sequel to the popular made-for-TV film Harp in the South. Father Hughie (Martyn_Sanderson); his wife, Mumma (Anne Plelan); and their younger daughter, Dolour (Kaarin_Fairfax), are broken people after Roie (Anna Hruby)the oldest daughter dies giving birth to a baby boy. Charlie(Shane Feeney-Connor), Roie's husband takes to the drink to forget his loss remembering only Roie and forgetting about his children. Dolour no longer a child fights for the strength to keep this family together in this hard bitten Irish-emigrate community of Surry Hills, but as bad times, illness, and romantic discord make their presence known, the Darcy's find that what they need most to survive is one another.