Youth (Joves)

2004·Spain·105 min.
Youth (Joves)
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Jordi Vilanova, an ambitious young man aged 25 starts to work in a brokerage firm in Barcelona. In order to become a broker he has to prove his market domain in a week’s time. In the beginning, the Jordi’s recommendations obtain very good results. But everything changes when it is announced that the United States might launch a new attack against several countries in the Middle East. The world’s bourses endure great losses as the news is published. Jordi loses everything and decides to play his last card: he invests his grandfather’s fortune in armament companies. In order to celebrate her birthday, Cristina Puigmarti (the bourse agency boss’ daughter) goes out with her friends. During the night they visit various bars and discos. Alcohol and drugs are mixed with provocation and frenzy. Gradually Cristina loses control of herself, and two men take advantage of this state by inviting her to their car. Pau Vilanova, Jordi’s brother, comes back to his town after a Saturday night out in Barcelona. He joins his group of friends and they spend hours killing time. It is during this endless pursuit of fun, Pau discovers that his ex-girlfriend is dating a young Moroccan man. Pau immediately wants revenge and with the help of his friends, “teaches” the Moroccan a lesson. Three young protagonists flee towards the future in the pursuit of the illusory happiness