
1987·Germany - West Germany (FRG)·103 min.
Non rated
Available on
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The story, said to be semi-autobiographical, is of Lev Glebovich Ganin (Elwes), a Russian émigré who has been displaced by the Russian Revolution. Now living in a boarding house in Berlin, Ganin discovers that his long-lost first love, Maschenka (Brook) is the wife of the rather unappealing boarder next door, Alfyrov (Coy), and that and she is on her way to rejoin her husband. This knowledge, combined with the incessant recitation of his memories of old Russia by another boarder, Podtyagin (Jones), send him into a state of reverie. Ganin contrives a complex scheme in order to reunite with Maschenka, who he believes still loves him.