Followers (TV Series)

Followers (TV Series)
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TV Series (2020-Present Day). This is the story of two women living in the glamorous city of Tokyo as they struggle with love, careers, and friendship. A famous and successful fashion photographer Limi Nara (Miki Nakatani) has built a career capturing the evolving people and city of present-day Tokyo. She lives her life confidently and showcases her independence in both her career and relationships. Conversely, a young, aspiring actress Natsume Hyakuta (Elaiza Ikeda) struggles to find her identity and self confidence which impacts her personal relationships and career as an actress. Everything changes when Natsume finds instant fame from Limi posting a candid photo of her on Instagram. Their lives—and those of the other women and men around them —intersect in ever-vibrant Tokyo as they fight to maintain relevance and social currency while following their hearts, dreams and social media accounts. With some love on the side, these women are looking for their own style of happiness.