Healing Ray

2021·Spain·40 min.
Healing Ray
Non rated
Available on
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'Healing Ray' is a project developed by Jorge Suárez-Quiñones Rivas for the RAYO festival, which works as an invitation to simultaneously and collectively expose ourselves to a healing ray of sounds and images. The experiences lived collectively and globally during 2020 led Suárez-Quiñones to become interested in the suggestive power of 16mm images, trying to find ways to create an experience of calm and healing in the viewer. This research on the healing power of the image was the starting point to invite the musician and producer Ylia, who for her part set out to investigate the properties of certain sounds when generating subjective sensations of relaxation, collaborating with researchers from the CSIC. Thus, in her sound proposal, Ylia explores the effect of binaural sounds in relation to measurable waves in an EEG, in a context of immersive listening. Together they propose a trip of collective sensory exploration in real time, in which we let ourselves be carried away by the relaxing stimuli of their respective live work, to try, as far as possible, to heal the experiences lived in the last year.