The Quiet Man (1952)
1952 · Movie · 129 min. · United States
Synopsis of The Quiet Man (1952)
John Wayne stars as Sean Thornton, a retired American boxing champion trying to put tragedy behind him by returning to Innisfree, the bucolic Irish village of his birth. He purchases his birthplace from its current owner, enraging the wealthy and bellicose Red Will Danaher (Victor McLaglen), who had designs on the property. On arriving at his cottage, Thornton finds it being swept out by Mary Kate Danaher (Maureen O'Hara), a redheaded vision from whom he steals a not completely unwelcome kiss. After engaging in a subterfuge involving a horse race, some of the locals manage to get the disgruntled Red Will to allow his sister to be courted by the American. But the courtship ritual of the village is only the first of many local practices that the bewildered Thornton must endure if he is to have Mary Kate.
Direction John Ford
Cast John Wayne · Maureen O'Hara · Barry Fitzgerald · Ward Bond · Victor McLaglen · Jack MacGowran · Arthur Shields · Mildred Natwick
Soundtrack Victor Young
Screenplay Frank S. Nugent · John Ford · Maurice Walsh
Cinematography Winton C. Hoch · Archie Stout
Original title The Quiet Man
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