The Cashier (S)

2022·Spain·14 min.
The Cashier (S)
Non rated
Available on
None platform

Maca works as a cashier in a supermarket. One day, while she is replenishing one of the shelves, a young man approaches her from behind and 'touches' her behind with the 'package'. The girl threatens to confront him, but doubts assail her. Was it an assault? Can I report it? Will he have done it to more women? Doesn't something like this happen to hundreds of women around the world every day? Without being able to explain what has happened, Maca only feels that she has to do something. Hiding from her boss, she sneaks into his office and consults the recordings of the supermarket's surveillance cameras until she verifies that she has not been the only victim. Maca will not stop until she locates the rest of the assaulted women, demonstrates the attacks and does justice.