Better Off Ted (TV Series)
The series focuses on Ted Crisp (Jay Harrington), the well-respected and beloved head of a research and development department, his supervisor Veronica Palmer (Portia de Rossi), and a few others as they work for the fictional, soulless conglomerate of Veridian Dynamics. Ted is the titular character, and also the show's narrator. He is the senior vice-president of the Research and Development department at Veridian Dynamics, and is well respected and loved by most of the employees – and even members of the otherwise difficult upper management. He balances his desire to maintain his position at the company with his feeling that he must demonstrate a moral center to his daughter. Veronica is Ted's boss and immediate supervisor at Veridian Dynamics. She maintains a fierce and unapproachable workplace demeanor, and many employees have a deep fear of her. She seems cold and calculating, but it is also clear that she has more than grudging respect for Ted, and often recognizes what moral action is necessary to maintain balance in the workplace.