Once Upon a Time: Sergio Leone (S)

2001·United Kingdom·20 min.
Once Upon a Time: Sergio Leone (S)
Non rated
Available on
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Personalities, enthusiasts, actors, writers and others take a look back at Sergio Leone's final film "Once Upon a Time in America", sharing good stories and also sad ones about one of the most important epics of all time. James Woods and the screenwriters talk about their personal experiences with the legendary director while admirers, like Quentin Tarantino, open up about Leone's influence in their filmmaking. And of course, there's time to cover the infamous topic on the shameful butchering of the film in U.S. at the time of its release, in 1984, which caused not only the uproar from audiences and critics, but also hurt very deeply its most excited creator: the director, who devoted several years in its making.