Starship Troopers: The Series (TV Series)
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles was a CGI animated television series based on both the novel by Robert A. Heinlein and the 1997 film adaptation directed by Paul Verhoeven (who served as executive producer for the series). It follows the exploits of the Mobile Infantry squad "Razak's Roughnecks" during the SICON–Bugs War, between a newly united humanity and an extraterrestrial race, the "Bugs" (also sometimes referred to as Arachnids, although this is a misnomer, as the aliens are not related to Earth arachnids). The show focuses mainly on the missions in which the squad participates, rather than addressing the larger war. The show tried to be true to an adult-oriented science fiction franchise without being too violent, mature or controversial for the age group that typically watches Saturday morning cartoons. As a result it was watched by neither group and low ratings caused it to be repeatedly canceled and sold off. The series aired for one season on PAX beginning in August 1999 and in syndication in the United States and Canada. It was later picked up by the SciFi Channel in the US, and Teletoon in Canada. The show is based on Paul Verhoeven's film, but nominally incorporates some elements from the original novel, such as the extraterrestrial race known as the Skinnies, powered armor suits, and drop pods. Whether it depicts these book elements in a manner consistent with Heinlein's original work is debatable. The series also adds some original elements (e.g., the war starts on Pluto), while omitting the serious political and science fiction aspects of the original work.