The Einstein Mysteries (TV Series)

The Einstein Mysteries (TV Series)
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TV Series (2016-2019). 3 Seasons. 37 Episodes. Thirty-two year old Felix is a genius. Working on several advanced scientific research projects, he is the youngest professor to have ever taught theoretical physics at his University. He also happens to be the great grandson of famous scientist Albert Einstein. Working up to 21 hours a day, Felix’s research means everything to him. However, life isn’t all plain sailing. Felix is terminally ill with hereditary Huntington’s disease, and as mental and physical decline are fast approaching, it’s looking less likely that he will live to see his 40th birthday. Felix faces a further challenge when he is accused of the theft and abuse of illicit stimulants – until the police offer him an extraordinary deal… If Felix agrees to act as an “external consultant” in drugs research for a criminal murder case, he won’t have to serve a prison sentence and will be free to continue his research. In his race against time, can Felix battle against the odds to solve the murder case?

DirectorThomas Jahn
CinematographyThomas Jahn
Original titleThe Einstein Mysteries (TV Series)