Teenage Mountain Lion (TV Series)
2014·United States
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Is Lyle Henderson a mountain lion trapped inside a teenager's body? Or a teenager with the powers of a mountain lion? Or just a screwed up kid who's coping with the death of his parents? (It's the third one.)
CastChris Reinacher·Jordan Dunn·Julie Alexander·Ali Ghandour·John Davies·Ian Evarts·Matt Soson·Brett Hoag·Pancho Morris·Michael Lie Murphy·Michael Hawley·Michael Kvamme·Kylie Alesso·Anne Lane·Emily Yetter·Katie Boeck·Klarissa Mesee·Rachel Rivera·David Theune·Michael Gantz·Cord Jackman·Patch Moore·Steven Wilson·Jason Lazarus·Maritza Lerman Yoes·Chad Alligood·Jay Ashenfelter·Sterling Brim·Chris Adams Cohen·Scott Cushman·Phil Daddario·Colin Hooper·Erik Latshaw·Kevin Manwarren·Ian McQuown·Matt Moore·Leah Munson·Mike Postalakis·Kevin Railsback·Joe Salling·Elijah Trichon·Hampton Yount·Galen MacDougall·Mikey HawleyShow all
Original titleTeenage Mountain Lion (TV Series)