Back When We Were Grownups (TV)

2004·United States·120 min.
Back When We Were Grownups (TV)
Non rated
Available on
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With courage, grace, and celebration, a woman embarks on a search for herself, for a life she feared was long gone, and for a new awareness she never imagined possible. The quirky story revolves around a widow who is contemplating what her life would have been like if she had married someone else and calls her ex-boyfriend to see if she can rekindle the old flame and spice up her life. Since her husband's death after only six years of marriage, Rebecca has single-handedly raised his ever-challenging and now adult daughters, as well as one of her own. Rebecca also inherited her husband's uncle, 99-year-old Poppy (Jack Palance), a crotchety old man whose total focus is his upcoming 100th birthday. A party planner by trade, Rebecca is always cheerful and upbeat, but, even after many, many years, she's still not really sure about her standing in this bizarre family.