The Hire: Beat The Devil (S)
2002 · Movie · 9 min. · United States
The Driver is employed by James Brown, who goes to meet the Devil to re-negotiate the deal he made as a young man in 1954 to trade his soul for fame and fortune. He is worried about his ageing and the fact he can no longer do his moves like the splits, and says his lessened ability to perform means he cannot maintain his fame and fortune. He proposes a new wager, for the stakes of the Driver's soul against another 50 years for his career, betting on the Driver drag racing against the Devil's doorman/driver Bob on the Las Vegas Strip at dawn. The race ends with the Driver swerving to pass around a train while the Devil's car crashes and explodes. Having won the race, the Driver leaves James Brown in the desert, but as he drives away he sees him as a young man again, who then does a handspring into the splits. The final scene shows Marilyn Manson who lives down the hall from the Devil, complaining that the noise is disturbing his bible reading, much to the Devil's fear. * with James Brown, Gary Oldman, Clive Owen and Danny Trejo * cameo by Marilyn Manson * Directed by Tony Scott * Featured the BMW Z4 3.0i
Direction Tony Scott
Cast Clive Owen · James Brown · Gary Oldman · Danny Trejo · Marilyn Manson · Tony Wilson
Soundtrack Harry Gregson-Williams
Screenplay David Carter · Greg Hahn · Vincent Ngo
Cinematography Paul Cameron
Original title The Hire: Beat The Devil (S)
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