Adventure Time: Distant Lands (TV Miniseries)
Billed as Adventure Time: Distant Lands, the one-hour episodes will reunite fans with characters from the original series, which wrapped its 10-season run on Cartoon Network in 2018. Here are the synopses for Distant Lands‘ four planned installments, the first two of which are set to debut on HBO Max sometime in 2020: “BMO” | “When there’s a deadly space emergency in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, there’s only one hero to call, and it’s probably not BMO. Except that this time it is!” “Obsidian” | “Marceline and Princess Bubblegum journey to the imposing, beautiful Glass Kingdom — and deep into their tumultuous past — to prevent an earthshaking catastrophe.” “Wizard City” | “Peppermint Butler starts over at the beginning, as just another inexperienced Wizard School student. When mysterious events at the campus cast suspicion on Pep, and his checkered past, can he master the mystic arts in time to prove his innocence?” “Together Again” | “Finn and Jake [reunite] to rediscover their brotherly bond and embark on the most important adventure of their lives.”