
2014·Spain·90 min.
120 votes
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Bugarach is a tiny village in southern France where everyone lives a quiet life, isolated from the world; until the day that the international media spreads the news that Bugarach is the only place that will allegedly survive doomsday. The arrival of increasingly outlandish strangers soon begins to disturb the local population. The mayor tries to take control of the situation, but it's already too late; furthermore, he has helped to blow up the story himself. We can see the consequences in the different characters that the documentary accompanies: Slide, the magician boy who sees the event as a great opportunity to become famous; Uranie, a millennarian who has a plan for his salvation; Mirko, a boy obsessed with weapons who wants to protect the village; and Monsieur Pouce, a scholar who knows everything about the region and who claims to have located the body of Christ underneath the mountain. All these characters, along with the hunters and farmers of the village and the people who come to either save themselves or out of simple curiosity, are unfolding a landscape of existential emptiness that each one of them faces out of fear or in order to fill the void with the new values of modernism: fame, greed or the wildest beliefs.