Pretty Cure (TV Series)
TV Series (2004-2005). 49 Episodes. The story revolves around two girls, Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro, who fight against The Dotsuku Zone - an evil dimension that usurped the Garden of Light. The actions of The Dotsuku Zone necessitated the escape of two guardians of the Garden of Light, creatures named Mipple and Mepple. They serve as a source of information for the series, and are usually found inside the girls' transformation devices, which are similar to cell phones. For short periods of time they can transform into their real bodies and interact with each other. They are initially held by Cure White and Cure Black as they search for Prism Stones, which they place in a device known as a Prism Heart. The Heart of Prisms is protected by the Guardian, Wisdom. Once they discover all the Prism Stones, their power takes them to the Garden of Light and repairs most of the damage done by The Dotsuku Zone.