Screenplay: Jérome Géronimi
Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Jérome Géronimi. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.
Titles found: 6
The Wages of Fear
1953 · Movie · 140 min. · France
Direction H.G. Clouzot
Cast Yves Montand · Charles Vanel · Véra Clouzot · Peter van Eyck
Synopsis In a wretched South American oil town, four desperate men sign on for a suicide mission to drive trucks loaded with nitroglycerin over a treacherous mountain route. As they ferry their explosive cargo to a faraway oil fire, each bump...
9K votes
9K votes
1955 · Movie · 114 min. · France
Direction H.G. Clouzot
Cast Simone Signoret · Véra Clouzot · Paul Meurisse · Charles Vanel
Synopsis Michel Delasalle (Paul Meurisse), the headmaster of a provincial boarding school, becomes the target of a murder plot concocted by his wife Christina (Véra Clouzot) and his mistress (Simone Signoret).
10K votes
10K votes
Direction H.G. Clouzot
Cast Brigitte Bardot · Sami Frey · Charles Vanel · Marie-José Nat
Synopsis Dominique Marceau is on trial for the murder of Gilbert Tellier. The counsels duel relentlessly, elaborating explanations for why the pretty, idle and fickle girl killed the talented and ambitious conductor freshly graduated from the conservatory. Was it premeditated or...
492 votes
492 votes
Direction H.G. Clouzot
Cast Curd Jürgens · Peter Ustinov · O.E. Hasse · Sam Jaffe
Synopsis A psychiatrist, desperate for money to keep his faltering practice running, makes a deal with a spy to hide a mysterious person in his clinic in return for a million francs. As soon as the deal is struck his place...
246 votes
246 votes
The Grand Maneuver
1955 · Movie · 106 min. · France
Direction René Clair
Cast Michèle Morgan · Gérard Philipe · Brigitte Bardot · Jacques Fabbri
Synopsis Clair's romantic comedy on the power of love over pride. Set in a pre-WWI garrison town, a handsome soldier (Philipe) wagers that he can seduce any woman he pleases before leaving for summer maneuvers. Drawing the name of his quarry...
291 votes
291 votes
Race for Life / If All the Guys in the World...
1956 · Movie · 95 min. · France
Direction Christian-Jaque
Cast Jean Gaven · André Valmy · Marc Cassot · Georges Poujouly
Synopsis While fishing in the North Sea, eleven out of the twelve men of the Lutèce, a fishing-boat from Concarneau, get intoxicated after having eaten rotten ham. The only one unscathed is Mohammed, a Muslim who does not eat pork meat....
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