Screenplay: Luis Enrique Vanegas

Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Luis Enrique Vanegas. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.

Direction Luis Enrique Vanegas

Cast Andrés Sandoval · Marisol Correa Vega · Jimmy Vasquez

Synopsis When earth's rotation became so slow that the world fell into an eternal night, thousands of bunkers were built to protect the people from the...

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The Girl, the Hunter & the Firefly

2020 · Movie · 98 min. · Colombia

Direction Luis Enrique Vanegas

Cast Mauricio Cujar · Camilo Amores · Marisol Correa Vega · Jimmy Vasquez

Synopsis The six months of darkness finally arrived to Bogotá and the rest of the world, and with them the promises of anarchy and terror of...

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