Screenplay: Tania Rose
Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Tania Rose. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.
Titles found: 2
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
1963 · Movie · 154 min. · United States
Direction Stanley Kramer
Cast Spencer Tracy · Milton Berle · Sid Caesar · Jonathan Winters
Synopsis After a long prison sentence Smiler Grogan is heading at high speed to a California park where he hid $350,000 from a job 15 years previously. He accidentally careers over...
5K votes
5K votes
Touch and Go
1955 · Movie · 85 min. · United Kingdom
Direction Michael Truman
Cast Jack Hawkins · Margaret Johnston · June Thorburn · Roland Culver
Synopsis When Jim Fletcher is told by his firm, that his new furniture designs, are not in keeping with the firms image he threatens to resign, and decides to uproot his...
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