Screenplay: Susannah York
Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Susannah York. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.
Titles found: 2
Falling in Love Again
1980 · Movie · 103 min. · United States
Direction Steven Paul
Cast Elliott Gould · Susannah York · Kaye Ballard · Michelle Pfeiffer
Synopsis Harry and Sue Lewis met in the 40es as teenagers living in the Bronx. He was an aspiring architect, she was the most beautiful girl...
61 votes
61 votes
Direction Jacek Bromski · Jerzy Gruza
Cast Sophie Barjac · Jean-Pierre Cassel · Susannah York · Paul Nicholas
Synopsis Alice was sitting in the park one day. She sees a jogger called Rabbit. When she first meets him she thinks he's a jerk later...
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