Screenplay: Neida Padilla

Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Neida Padilla. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.

Direction Conrado Martinez · Diego Muñoz · Jorge Ríos

Cast Luis Ernesto Franco · Camila Sodi · Samadhi Zendejas · Sonya Smith

Synopsis TV Series (2018-Present Day). 2 Seasons. 171 Episodes. Diego is a hustler and involved in high stakes criminal activity, including tapping into an oil refinery pipeline and stealing gasoline to resell at a vastly decreased cost. Forced to leave the...


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24 votes

Por estas calles (TV Series)

1992 · Series · 60 min. · Venezuela

Direction Renato Gutiérrez

Cast Aroldo Betancourt · Marialejandra Martin · Franklin Virgüez · Gledys Ibarra

Synopsis A love story in a world in crisis. A world where money is the most important thing in life and where law and order are at stake. A world where honest people struggle to accomplish their dreams, and fight for...

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