Screenplay: Laha Mebow
Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Laha Mebow. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.
Titles found: 2
Direction Laha Mebow
Cast Andy Huang · Albee Huang · Huang Teng-Hui · Ting-li Lin
Synopsis A widely-revered elder of an indigenous community in northeastern Taiwan, Hayung passes away in his sleep, leaving behind a family troubled with a land dispute and financial problems. His widow,...
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Hang in There, Kids
2016 · Movie · 90 min. · Taiwan
Direction Laha Mebow
Cast Albee Huang · Buya Watan · Watan Silan · Suyan Pito
Synopsis In a secluded indigenous tribe, 3 kids who grew up in the mountains and the woods. They are all very optimistic, energetic and playful; yet, they are also troubled by...
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