Screenplay: Charles Hairston

Top movies, series, and documentaries with a screenplay by Charles Hairston. Explore the titles that showcase an exceptional writing.

Voyage of the Rock Aliens

1984 · Movie · 97 min. · United States

Direction James Fargo

Cast Pia Zadora · Craig Sheffer · Tom Nolan · Ruth Gordon

Plot Aliens land in the town of "Speelburgh" searching for the source of rock & roll. They find trouble with Dee Dee, Frankie and the pack.


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26 votes

For Ladies Only

1981 · Movie · 94 min. · United States

Direction Mel Damski

Cast Gregory Harrison · Marc Singer · Patti Davis · Viveca Lindfors

Plot A young man from Iowa comes to New York hoping to make it as an actor. However, he doesn't get a break and is almost out of money. So another...

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