Direction: Maria Douza
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Maria Douza. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
The Tree and the Swing
2013 · Movie · 108 min. · Greece
Direction Maria Douza
Cast Mirto Alikaki · Mirjana Karanovic · Ilias Logothetis · Nikos Orphanos
Synopsis Coming home to make amends with her estranged father, Eleni finds herself confronted with an unexpected kinship.
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Direction Maria Douza
Cast Evangelia Adreadaki · Yoanna Boukovska · Dimitris Kitsos · Nikos Koukas
Synopsis Financial upheaval forces a teenage deaf girl, Valmira 16, to leave her progressive Athens school and return to her father's struggling island where she is...
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