Direction: Joel Rapp
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Joel Rapp. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
High School Big Shot
1959 · Movie · 70 min. · United States
Direction Joel Rapp
Cast Tom Pittman · Virginia Aldridge · Howard Veit · Malcolm Atterbury
Synopsis Marv needs money. His unemployed dad is so poor that he makes Marv give up half his last six bucks so they can both go on three-dollar dates; he's just...
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Not rated
Battle of Blood Island
1960 · Movie · 64 min. · United States
Direction Joel Rapp
Cast Richard Devon · Ron Gans · Roger Corman
Synopsis Two American GIs are the only survivors of a unit wiped out in a battle with Japanese troops on an isolated island. The two, who don't like each other, find...
Not rated
Not rated