Direction: Edward A. Kull

The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Edward A. Kull. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.

The New Adventures of Tarzan

1935 · Movie · 70 min. · United States

Direction Edward A. Kull

Cast Bruce Bennett · Ula Holt · Frank Baker · Dale Walsh

Synopsis Several plot elements bring the characters together in search (and pursuit) of the Guatemalan idol known as The Green Goddess: Tarzan's friend D'Arnot has crash landed in the region and...


84 votes


84 votes

Direction Edward A. Kull

Cast Bruce Bennett · Ula Holt · Ashton Dearholt · Frank Baker

Synopsis The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an...

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