Direction: John Orrichio
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by John Orrichio. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
Bigfoot: Blood Trap
2017 · Movie · 95 min. · United States
Direction John Orrichio
Cast Dennis Carter Jr. · John McCormack · Edward X. Young · Gregory Stokes
Synopsis After inheriting hundreds of acres of land from their estranged grandfather, siblings Shannon and Billy invite some friends to go for a long overdue hunting trip to check things out. They quickly discover that the lands are currently inhabited by...
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Paranormal Captivity
2012 · Movie · 108 min. · United States
Direction John Orrichio
Cast Caitlyn Fletcher · Roberto Lombardi · Edward X. Young · Jerry Ross
Synopsis What happens when you lose everything? Your house, your job and your loved one... What happens when you move into a haunted house and the ghosts drive you crazy? Is it the ghosts doing all these crazy things? If not,...
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