Direction: Allen Plone
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Allen Plone. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
Night Screams
1987 · Movie · 87 min. · United States
Direction Allen Plone
Cast Janette Allyson · Joe Manno · Megan Wyss · Randy Lundsford
Synopsis A football star throws a party for his friends. Two insane killers escape from a nearby asylum on that same night, and in their efforts to elude authorities, wind up...
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Not rated
Sweet Justice
1991 · Movie · 90 min. · United States
Direction Allen Plone
Cast Finn Carter · Frank Gorshin · Marc Singer · Gregg Brazzel
Synopsis The Army rejected six girls for active combat, but they end up terminating with extreme prejudice an army of lawless men, to avenge a brutal murder that otherwise would go...
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Not rated