Direction: Carlos Salcés
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Carlos Salcés. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 3
In the Mirror of the Sky (S)
1998 · Movie · 10 min. · Mexico
Direction Carlos Salcés
Cast Malcom Vargas · Alicia Laguna
Synopsis A boy plays with a plane's reflection on a pond near his house.
21 votes
21 votes
Direction Carlos Salcés
Cast Álex Perea · Alejandro Camacho · Arcelia Ramírez · Guillermo Gil
82 votes
82 votes
Direction Carlos Salcés
Cast Blanca Salcés · Blanca Montoya · Úrsula Pruneda · Arcelia Ramírez
Synopsis In a country with hundreds of missing people, Alejandra, a frivolous, divorced mother of two children, faces the disappearance of her brother Salvador, a documentalist of the ecological depredation of a Canadian mining company. Life becomes more difficult with job...
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Not rated