Direction: Nick Wauters
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Nick Wauters. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
The Event (TV Series)
2010 · Series · 40 min. · United States
Direction Nick Wauters · Jeffrey Reiner · James Wong
Cast Jason Ritter · Laura Innes · Bill Smitrovich · Zeljko Ivanek
Synopsis TV Series (2010-2011). 1 Season. 22 Episodes. When a man named Sean Walker (Jason Ritter) goes looking for his missing girlfriend Leila (Sarah Roemer), he stumbles upon a government conspiracy that is bigger than the president (Blair Underwood) himself.
1K votes
1K votes
Shangri-La: Near Extinction
2018 · Movie · 95 min. · United States
Direction Nick Wauters
Cast Eric Szmanda · Sara Malakul Lane · Ewan Chung · Patrick Batiste
Synopsis Mankind is nearly extinct in this post-apocalyptic creature thriller. Most humans died from a deadly plague and the ice age they manufactured to eradicate it. A man named Vargas leads a group of survivors on a quest to reach Shangri-La,...
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