Direction: Oskar Mellander
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Oskar Mellander. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
The Evil Next Door
2020 · Movie · 87 min. · Sweden
Direction Tord Danielsson · Oskar Mellander
Cast Dilan Gwyn · Linus Wahlgren · Jakob Fahlstedt · Janna Granström
Synopsis A dad moves into a new house with his son and girlfriend. When he's out of town working, the son makes a new "friend" next doors.
316 votes
316 votes
Direction Oskar Mellander
Cast Fanny Klefelt · Vincent Grahl · Felicia Kartal · Emma Valev
Synopsis Gone Ghosting is a popular ghost hunting team that earned millions from live broadcasts and selling merch. One day, their cameraman leaves and leaks evidence that Alex faked the investigations. Lise, Catta, Sandro, and Polly join the group to live-stream...
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