Direction: Ash Thorp
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Ash Thorp. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
Awaken Akira (S)
2018 · Movie · 1 min. · United States
Synopsis "AWAKEN AKIRA was created by two friends, Ash Thorp and Zaoeyo (XiaoLin Zeng), who wanted to collaborate on a tribute to the iconic anime, Akira, by Katsuhiro Otomo. It's creation...
169 votes
169 votes
Lost Boy (S)
2016 · Movie · 9 min. · Netherlands
Direction Anthony Scott Burns · Ash Thorp
Cast Wasteclay Moreas · Nerea Revilla
Synopsis An ambitious sci-fi concept heavily influenced by American action classics and Japanese samurai films, celebrated filmmakers Ash Thorp and Anthony Scott Burns team up with PostPanic (Sundays) for a dazzling...
Not rated
Not rated