Direction: Francisco Novick
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Francisco Novick. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 3
Direction Francisco Novick · Natalio Pagés
Cast Martin Slipak · Javier Lorenzo · María Canale · Marcos Krivocapich
Synopsis An Argentine scholar living abroad returns home to meet an old school professor, his role model in life. But the meeting will take an unexpected course.
54 votes
54 votes
Direction Francisco Novick
Cast Vicente Reati · Alba Camargo · Eugenio Reati · Lola Rosales
Synopsis Vicente is 19 years old and a member of Nietes, a group made up of grandchildren of people who disappeared during the last dictatorship who gather to think, discuss, paint flags, stick posters and, ultimately, create their own history.
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Strength and Cunning (S)
2017 · Documentary · 10 min. · Argentina
Direction Francisco Novick
Cast Eugenio Reati · Vicente Reati
Synopsis On the commemoration of the military dictatorship that kidnapped and killed his grandparents, Vicente, a 15-year-old boy, joins his father in a massive demonstration in Buenos Aires. For the first time, Vicente will embrace a central role at the forefront...
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Not rated