Direction: Sergio Mazza
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Sergio Mazza. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 7
Direction Sergio Mazza
Cast Jorge Sesán · María Celia Ferrero · Carolina Torres · Rosana Moscato
Synopsis arcelo Vergara is an emotionless man; anti-social and arrogant, someone who still alternates between his teenage years - bohemian, rocker, and anarchic- and his present self. Now nearing his 40th birthday, Vergara has a dream. A want that he can't...
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Direction Sergio Mazza
Cast Belén Blanco · Antoine Raux · Hervé Segata
Synopsis As María waits for the visa that will permit her to legally work in France, she decides to rent a temporary room in Paris in the house of some guy Named Jérôme. He’s recently separated a can accommodate her in...
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El amarillo
2006 · Movie · 87 min. · Argentina
Direction Sergio Mazza
Cast Gabriela Moyano · Alejandro Baratelli · Mirta Fratinni
Synopsis With the lightness that a casual meeting has, and the intense revelation of an impressive romantic course, “El Amarillo” (Yellow) tells, with an unblinking eye, successive moments of a relation of soft shades that expose themselves without any underlying. The...
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Direction Sergio Mazza
Cast Maximiliano García · Federico Luppi · Sofía Gala Castiglione · Belén Blanco
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Direction Sergio Mazza
Cast Esther Goris · Belén Blanco · María Laura Alemán · Eugenia Schilling
Synopsis Marita is a trans-sexual woman from a small town in Entre Rios, Argentina who lives a solitary life in a world that sees trans-sexuality as a misunderstood phenomenon instead of an identity choice.
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