Direction: Rosa Vergés
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Rosa Vergés. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 5
Direction Rosa Vergés
Cast Sergi Ruiz · Martí Villa · Laia Solís · Luciano Federico
Synopsis It's Christmas and the 7 Year old Hector is traveling with his parents to France in order to visit his grandmother. He is not pleased because it's always boring there. After his father found that "eternity" is a missing word...
237 votes
237 votes
Direction Rosa Vergés
Cast Viktor Lazlo · Sergi Mateu · Fernando Guillén Cuervo · Àngels Gonyalons
215 votes
215 votes
Direction Rosa Vergés
Cast Silke · Ana Torrent · Ginés García Millán · Nacho Fresneda
Synopsis Iris is a sweet and enthusiastic young girl who dreams of becoming a photographer. Suddenly she sees her world crumble down when the war begins. She survives the disaster with the unconditional support of her friend Magdalena. Her great love,...
234 votes
234 votes
Direction Rosa Vergés
Cast Emma Suárez · Futoshi Kasagawa · Emilio Gutiérrez Caba · Pepa López
Synopsis A Japanese TV competition contestant wins the tour of his life, but things take an unexpected turn when his trip takes him through Barcelona.
175 votes
175 votes
Not rated