Direction: Frank E. Flowers
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Frank E. Flowers. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
2004 · Movie · 115 min. · United States
Direction Frank E. Flowers
Cast Orlando Bloom · Bill Paxton · Zoe Saldana · Stephen Dillane
Synopsis During a weekend, a shady businessmen (Paxton) flee to the Cayman Islands to avoid federal prosecution. But their escape ignites a chain reaction that leads a British native (Bloom) to commit a crime that changes the nation.
777 votes
777 votes
Tocsin (S)
2018 · Movie · 12 min. · Cayman Islands
Direction Frank E. Flowers
Cast Shane Allenger · Chad Bodden · Garrett Hedlund · Margaux Maes
Synopsis TOCSIN is a short film about a young musician, who travels to a remote island studio in search of inspiration. While attempting to overcome his creative block, he discovers a much darker secret hidden within the shallows.
Not rated
Not rated