Direction: Marie Garel Weiss
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Marie Garel Weiss. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
The Party Is Over
2017 · Movie · 90 min. · France
Direction Marie Garel Weiss
Cast Clémence Boisnard · Zita Hanrot · Marie Denarnaud · Pascal Rénéric
Synopsis Young girls Celeste and Sihem meet the day they arrive together at a rehabilitation centre. A friendship that has its dangers and its healing potential, and which they will have to learn to balance as they travel different paths.
83 votes
83 votes
A Wonderful Girl
2023 · Movie · 91 min. · France
Direction Marie Garel Weiss
Cast Daphne Patakia · Benoît Poelvoorde · Agnès Jaoui · Raphaël Quenard
Synopsis A young woman hitting a rough patch in life who ends up helping a lawyer threatened with disbarment by convincing him to represent a small-time crook claiming he is innocent. As Paul attempts a career comeback, Mimi makes it her...
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