Direction: Belinda Chayko
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Belinda Chayko. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
Direction Belinda Chayko
Cast John Hurt · Lily Bell Tindley · Emily Barclay · Charlie-Rose MacLennan
Synopsis Living in rural New South Wales, working-class single mother Rhia is struggling to evade debt collectors and raise three young daughters. The eldest, and hardened beyond her years, Lou blames Rhia for the departure of her father, who walked out...
45 votes
45 votes
Fires (TV Miniseries)
2021 · Series · 104 min. · Australia
Direction Tony Ayres · Belinda Chayko · Ana Kokkinos · Kim Mordaunt
Cast Hunter Page-Lochard · Richard Roxburgh · Anna Torv · Taylor Ferguson
Synopsis Determination, Resilience, Community Sprit and Survival of a catastrophic bushfire season that tore through the hearts of Australia and the world.
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