Direction: Lorenzo Vigas
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Lorenzo Vigas. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 4
Direction Lorenzo Vigas
Cast Hernán Mendoza · Hatzín Navarrete · Cristina Zulueta
Synopsis The story of a young buy on a mission to collect what he believes to be his father’s remains only to get sucked into the underbelly of the migrant industry in Mexico.
99 votes
99 votes
Direction Lorenzo Vigas
Cast Alfredo Castro · Luis Silva · Jericó Montilla · Catherina Cardozo
Synopsis Wealthy middle-aged Armando lures young men to his home with money. He doesn’t want to touch, only watch from a strict distance. He also follows an elderly businessman with whom he seems to have had a traumatic relationship. Armando’s first...
1K votes
1K votes
Elephants Never Forget (S)
2004 · Movie · 11 min. · Mexico
Direction Lorenzo Vigas
Cast Gonzalo Cubero · Greisy Mena · Guillermo Muñoz
42 votes
42 votes
The Orchid Seller (El vendedor de orquídeas)
2016 · Documentary · 77 min. · Venezuela
Direction Lorenzo Vigas
Cast Oswaldo Vigas · Jeannine Castés Vigas · Herman Vigas
Synopsis The Orchid Seller is a feature length documentary about artist Oswaldo Vigas (1923-2014) and his search for a misplaced painting. As an octogenarian, Vigas and his wife Jeannine travel to Guacara, Venezuela where he was raised to find The Orchid...
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