Direction: Victor Carrey
The best movies, series, and documentaries directed by Victor Carrey. Explore exceptional titles that showcase a unique filmmaking vision.
Titles found: 2
The Runaway (S)
2011 · Movie · 11 min. · Spain
Direction Victor Carrey
Cast Joaquín Díaz · Guim Badia · Erika Coll · Gori de Palma
Synopsis A chewing gum. A dog leash. An Australia shaped stain on the wall. A bent traffic light... Each of these elements has its own story, even though all of them together can create a new plot.
729 votes
729 votes
Poor Sailor (S)
2014 · Movie · 13 min. · Spain
Direction Victor Carrey
Cast Manuel Manquiña · Joaquim Revenga · Tatín Revenga
61 votes
61 votes